Miscellany page guide

What's New?  Why we have these pages and what's been changing.
Members' Projects  Research projects on which members are active are often seen as a health indicator for societies such as ours.
These brief descriptions will be picked up by Google etc and we hope that useful contacts will be generated.
Portable Antiquities Scheme Finds  Direct access to the PAS Database to view records of finds in our parishes and the wider area. Thousands of archaeological objects are discovered nationally each year, many of these by metal detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening or going about their daily work. Finds in our area recorded with the Scheme help to advance our knowledge of its history and archaeology.
STREETS & ROADS  Aims to build up an on-line record of change in Ashtead, the Bookhams, Fetcham & Leatherhead main streets and roads from memories and images. It's what the camera in our phones was made for!
Potted Histories  This was a monthly series of local history articles, almost all written by the late Goff Powell, published in the popular Ashtead & Leatherhead Local. They were based on Goff's own extensive collection of local postcards and on images held by the Society.
This is a valuable resource worth sharing and is searchable. Use the + button when viewing one.
Useful External Links  Links to many local history groups in Surrey and to websites you have found useful for local history.
Which ones are we missing?
Do you know?  Questions worth sharing that have come up from discussions, Leatherhead Museum visitors, our talks, newsletter articles, Potted Histories ... and so on.
Paperwork & Ideas (inc Membership)
.. an on-line filing cabinet for key documents in the running of our Society: our current Membership Forms, Privacy Policy, Rules of the Society, AGM material and anything else we might need to provide access to. There is also a link to our Charity Commission record.
Ideas .. somewhere to note your comments on how we could be a better local history society.
Search Miscellany  Searches just these Miscellany pages including Streets & Roads.
There are search engines elsewhere for the Society's website and our on-line Archive.
Zooming  Help pages for when registering for and joining our online L&DLHS talks (and others from Surrey History Meet Up).