Fetcham War Memorials - Introduction

The purpose of this website is to change the names on Fetcham's war memorials from inscriptions to people.
Where possible this begins with the formal detail of when and where they died, the unit they were serving with and so on.

It is hoped that over time members of their family or those the families of those who knew them may come forward with information and photos about the life behind the name. There may also be information from the local newspapers or church or club magazines of the time.
Where the person is buried or commemorated elsewhere, perhaps someone will provide good quality images of the headstone.

right: Parish Church, St Mary's, Fetcham: images source this page, Haslam

Remembrance: [History of Fetcham, JC Stuttard, p72 (L&DLHS, 1998]
In the concluding months of the war a fund was inaugurated by the Residents' Association for returning ex-servicemen and it soon topped the £1,000 mark. This fund was to help those in the war to resettle into civilian life and provide support for their families. After the benefit payments were met, the remaining funds were used to inscribe on the war memorial the names of those who did not return and had been killed in action. An illuminated Book of Remembrance was prepared and it is from this volume that their names are read on each Remembrance Sunday. An additional plaque was placed in the Parish Church alongside the First World War memorial. The stone memorial that had stood since 1919 at the junction of River Lane and Cobham Road was dismantled and re-erected near the church in the newly purchased area now known as the Memorial Gardens in The Ridgeway.

War Memorial Plaques and the Book of
Remembrance in St Mary's, Fetcham

Cross of Remembrance